Aikaui a teacup chihuahua

Aikaui a teacup chihuahua

Monday, January 16, 2017

1st Vet visit


It was an uneventful day, so far, I'm still getting accustomed to the new surroundings. I have gone from walking to  running to jumping! After Dad got home from work it was time to go bye bye. Mom put me in a bag/purse; it was quite roomy really and off we went. 

After a short car ride we arrived at the PetSmart. We entered a room that looked like a Doctors office; I quickly found out it was the Vet. They weighed me, 1.6 pounds, and looked at my ears and nose and took my tempurature. They squirted me in the nose, causing me to sneeze, then brought out a needle. I didn't think too much of it until they stuck me in the shoulder...I howled!! That was it and back home we went. I'll tell you shoulder hurt the rest of the night!

big world little dog

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